Tuesday, December 4, 2012

oh, the feels

I'm such a girl. I need a diary. I've always had a diary for as long as I could read and write. I like to talk to myself, apparently. Out loud, in text, etc. I feel like I have so much to say, so much to comment on, but who cares?

I miss Livejournal and that whole community. Sure, sure, there was tons of drama. I was in the center spot light of that drama more than once. Fear the wrath of joybeans. I prefer CoinOperatedJoy these days. I've grown up. But I do miss Lj. The friends and communities. The community I moderated was a huge hit. It was fun times. I still talk to a lot of those people. Just different mediums now, Facebook, Twitter, yanno, all that. No one Ljs anymore. It's so 2005. hahaha

So here I am, 32 years old, married for 10 years and have spawned 3 children. They are Boy 16, Boy 10 (on Thursday) and Girl 4. As we get into it, we'll use names. We're not there yet. Really, I'm just killing time until my Dr's appointment and remembering how it feels to "blog". Writing and typing have always felt so homey and comforting to me.

I don't want to go to the Dr. Ya see, I had my Gall Bladder removed in an emergency surgery somewhere around 11/9 or so. I have to go back and see the surgeon today. This appointment seems pointless to me. I've seen my GP and she's the one who's been taking care of me, not him. He seemed nice enough for those 5 minutes I met him before he cut me open and started taking shit out, but he's certainly not taken care of me afterwards. And he has NO  IDEA how to prescribe pain meds. Christ. He also sucks at stitches. I look like Frakentummy fgs. I swear to God, if he looks at any of my 4 incisions and says they look "beautiful", I'm just going to punch him. Why do surgeons always says that shit? No dick, it looks like I was a Dream Warrior and Freddie fucked my shit up. It's not beautiful, it's a bumpy ass scar I'm going to have for the rest of my life. Thanks for all the dicks.

Anyway, like I said, killing time. I don't know if this will ever go anywhere, but I was starting to feel a little nutty without a journal of some kind. I'm sure no one will ever read this crap, but hey, it's here to be read anyway. Lucky...all of you.

- <3 Joy -